Being a bigger container

The first lesson to learn is to resign oneself to the little difficulties in life, not to hit out at everything one comes up against.

If one were able to manage this one would not need to cultivate great power; even one’s presence would be healing.

Hazrat Inayat Khan, 1882 – 1927,  Sufi teacher and founder of the Sufi Order in the West 

Grow, even in difficult times

One of the challenges of ongoing lockdowns is that we postpone life until this is all over, and because of this, the possibilities that are there in every day can pass us by.

Be present. Make love. Make tea. Avoid small talk. Embrace conversation. Buy a plant, water it. Make your bed. Make someone else’s bed. Have a smart mouth, and quick wit. Run. Make art. Create. Swim in the ocean. Swim in the rain. Take chances. Ask questions. Make mistakes. Learn. Know your worth. Love fiercely. Forgive quickly. Let go of what doesn’t make you happy. Grow.

Paulo Coelho

The blue sky

The guest is inside you, and also inside me;
you know the sprout is hidden inside the seed.
We are all struggling; none of us has gone far.
Let your arrogance go, and look around inside.

The blue sky opens out farther and farther,
the daily sense of failure goes away,
the damage I have done to myself fades,
a million suns come forward with light,
when I sit firmly in that world

I hear bells ringing that no one has shaken,
inside “love” there is more joy than we know of,
rain pours down, although the sky is clear of clouds,
there are whole rivers of light.

Kabir, Ecstatic Poems