Storms often lead to growth

There can be bad weather and winds outside and similar storms and movement  in our inner life. It is good to see them in a similar way:  simply as stuff “passing through”. Sometimes, however, they can shake us out of our habitual patterns and bring us back to what is important.

When changewinds swirl through our lives, they often call us to undertake a new passage of the spiritual journey: that of confronting the lost and counterfeit places within us and releasing our deeper, innermost self – our true selves. They call us to come home to ourselves, to become who we really are.

Sue Monk Kidd, When the Heart Waits

Nourishing ourselves: Being happy in the way things are

Blessed are the man and woman who have grown beyond their greed and have put an end to their hatred and no longer nourish illusions.

But they delight in the way things are and keep their hearts open, day and night.

They are like trees planted near flowing rivers which bear fruit when they are ready.

Their leaves will not fall or wither.

Everything they do will succeed. 

Psalm 1. Translation by Stephen Mitchell

Sunday Quote: Patience

Sometimes we have to allow space for things to become clear, or trust others even if we are not sure what is happening. Where do you have to exercise patience at this moment?

Consider the farmers who eagerly look for the rains in the fall and in the spring.

They patiently wait for the precious harvest to ripen. 

You, too, must be patient

James 5:7f