
Thank you for stopping by.

I hope you find the blog helpful.
It mainly contains quotes and reflections on  meditation practice but also contains some inputs from Psychology,  Spirituality and different Wisdom traditions.  In other words,  the various ways that can be used to try and understand what leads to the development of  happiness and a full life.  It was started  to offer support to those who have participated in mindfulness Courses  and who continue to practice meditation but now includes everyone who seek each day  to live in a more mindful manner.  It has a simple purpose – to encourage the ongoing development of more conscious and reflective living.

I have over 40 years experience of meditation practice, firstly in Western traditions, including a 30 Day silent retreat in the Ignation tradition, and with teachers such as Anthony de Mello and Thomas Keating. In the past 13 years I have practiced also in Buddhist meditation, and competed retreats with teachers such as Ajahn Sucitto, Ajahn Amaro, Larry Rosenberg,  Joseph Goldstein, Christine Feldman and Sharon Salzberg and in Mindfulness meditation, with trainings by Jon Kabat Zinn, Ph.D.,  Saki Santorelli,  Melissa Blacker and Florence Meleo-Meyer, (Oasis Institute for Mindfulness-based Professional Education and Training, University of Massachusetts Medical School), supervision by Melissa Blacker, (Oasis Institute for Mindfulness-based Professional Education and Training),  and workshops with Rick Hanson Ph.D and Paul Gilbert among others.

96 thoughts on “About

  1. Karl, this is just beautiful, well done!! sincerely. I very much look forward to be nourished by your reflections once gone. They will be tremendously helpful.

  2. Dear Karl,

    I’m just registering for an 8 week MBSR course here through Penn. I’m going to blog about the experience taking the course and exploring mindfulness as a novice. I’ll look forward to reading your blog as an adjunct to the class!

    1. Hi Beth,

      Nice to hear from you and well done on your different sites. What a great idea. I am really looking forward to reading about your experiences and will follow you as you go through the weeks. It will be great to follow your reflections and experiences as you move through the Programme. Would you mind if I let others know about your blog?

      I would be very happy if anything on my blog helps during the 8 weeks. I will be teaching a new Course starting February 1st and some blog posts will reflect that, which may be at the same time as you.

      Thanks for being in contact.


  3. I’m just learning this little trick… The thing is it’s not ver little. I recently wrote about my first mindfullness experience that worked… I’m reading as much as I can to learn about this.

  4. Very well done blog and excellent information. Carl you write with a flow and the sayings are wonderful. I think you explain mindfulness as well as I have seen.

    The benefits of this practice can be like a miracle for the Complex PTSD sufferers. Have you seen Rick Hanson’s book on the Buddha Brain where he takes monks and hooks then up to functional MRI brain scans to prove mindfulness works and very well.

    Loving kindness was the last piece of the practice tha solidifies our mindfulness. Keep up the great work

  5. Each New Year I pick one focus word to contemplate, reflect upon and seek out in my life throughout the next twelve months. Last year, I chose ‘mindfulness’. Needless to say 2010 was a year of much learning and growth, lol. (This year’s is ‘intention’.)
    Anyway, just wanted to thank you for posting such a lovely blog.

  6. Hi Karl,

    Lovely blog!! Just would like to inform you that I am nominating you for a Sunshine Award!


  7. I linked to your blog in a post on my blog today. You are inspiring and educational and I love your daily posts. It is a toss up as to whether I most love the words you write or the images you share. –Daylily

    1. Carl, I continue to feel exactly the same, a year and a half later. I moved onto a new blog but it’s the same journey. Your words resonate with me because I have the hardest time living in this moment. Your blog centers me. Thanks for sharing your wisdom.

      Fern (aka Daylily)

  8. Mr. Duffy,

    I’m excited to announce that beginning January 1, 2013, I’ll be publishing a daily “mindfulness poem,” usually by a contemporary or recent poet, at my new website, http://www.ayearofbeinghere.com. This site would be a great resource for you and your audience.

    Anyone who would like a daily sip or slice of poetic encouragement to “be here now” can subscribe (for free) either by signing up to receive it via email (http://www.ayearofbeinghere.com) or by liking this project’s Facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/mindfulnesspoetry).

    If you would like to include my website’s link on your own, please feel free.

    Remember, “A Year of Being Here” launches on January 1, 2013. Please take a moment right now to subscribe so that you don’t miss a single serving of these wonderful poems. They are soul food for the journey.

    Thank you.

    Deep peace,
    Phyllis Cole-Dai

  9. Hi Karl, I wish to say that I like your new blog theme! It is fresh and new-looking, and as always, you find many interesting quotes and excerpts to help us all to remember Be-Here-Now! with blessings for a beautiful Spring, Leigh

    1. Hi Leigh,

      Thank you for you feedback. Just wanted to make things a bit fresher, the posts a bit more distinctive, and to be a bit of support to those starting out, as well as faithful reading who are trying to practice each day. Thanks for your ongoing presence, Karl

  10. I am glad to have landed here. I look forward to reading more. I have done a lot of healing and am moving into being mindful and reflective. I like the feel of your blog-
    informative with some simplicity.

    1. Dear Laurie,
      It is nice to meet you and to read about your path over the past years and your lovely words. Coincidentally, your last post is from the patron saint of this part of France, St Francis de Sales, a wise and gentle guide. It is good to have companions on our journey, old and new.

      1. I love coincidences.
        Thanks so much for the note and I look forward to reading more about mindfulness and meditation. It’s been an interesting winding path- but I like where it has brought me.

  11. I am grateful I was led to your blog today. The Feast of the Pentecost and finding you is the Holy Spirit’s gift. Following!

  12. Hi Karl,
    Thanks for all your daily quotes. They are consistently insightful and helpful. Choice gems along the path. I have subscribed to other such daily quotes but yours are of a particularly exquisite and refined nature.
    Very best,

  13. WOW well I am glad I found this blog. Someone posted a link here from another blog and I am intrigued.. I also write a blog about healing .. I mostly write about my therapy sessions, but I write to connect with others who suffer from abuse like I did who are healing today. I will have to sit and read more of your blog today 🙂

  14. Hi Karl, I just want to thank you for all the great posts you have put here on WP this year, and to wish you a joyous Christmas and a new year ahead of peace and contentment.
    Hopefully we may meet up sometime for that coffee!


  15. Hi Karl,
    Stumbled upon your blog…
    Very interesting. I will devote more time to reading you whenever possible. I had a quick look around your Books pages and I am fascinated that many of them I’ve never heard of, hence I am curious to make new discoveries.

    May you be well in All.
    Tree Spirit, from London

    1. Hi there,

      I am glad if the books gave some food for thought. They are all worth a look in the area of mindfulness and meditation. I wish you all the best on your journey and hope you are surviving the wild weather in your part of the world, Karl

      1. Thank you Karl! I’m sorry for my late comment back, only some priorities have taken my online time aside. I’m based in London and indeed we had a pretty wild weather around Christmas and New Year, now is more subtle.
        All the best to you too. xx

  16. that sounds interesting. I read few posts and am looking forward to read more when I have time. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and experience with this, much appreciated. 🙂

  17. So pleased you have found some of my pics to use. I feel really proud to be able to share them with your wonderful blog. 🙂

  18. What a beautiful blog. I loved the Rilke quote in the sidebar. I just finished reading Rilke’s Book of Hours a couple months ago. It was an inspiring book.

  19. Hi Karl,
    we have recently launched meditationapps.com web-site which is specializing on content about mindfulness and meditation apps. We are working on adding new reviews each day. Would you like to exchange posts and links?
    Please let me know Guillermo

    1. Thanks Allen,

      It is nice to hear that and there are some very inspiring blogs in the list, so it is a really helpful resource as well as being something nice to hear on a Tuesday afternoon. It is nice to be part of that wide community

      Best wishes


      1. Thank you, Karl , for a great blog! You deserve your spot!

  20. Hi Karl: I look forward to seeing Mindful Balance in my e-mail every day………
    Please, can you tell me, who is Douglas Kennedy? (I love the bus/picture) association. Spot on!

    1. Hiya,
      Thank you for stopping by. Douglas kennedy is an author. Donald kennedy (today’s quote) was a scientist and president of Stanford University. Hope you enjoy the daily posts. Karl

  21. Thank you so much for this blog – I make sure to come here every day, after reading the news. Helps me to remember to see the good things inside and out…

  22. I have followed your blog every day for several years now, and I really appreciate the insight and new perspectives I get from reading your carefully chosen words and quotes each day.
    I just wanted to say thank you so much for your faithfulness, and your commitment to encouraging many people around the world.

    1. Hi Cilla, Thanks for writing. I recognize reader who have been there for some time and am really glad to hear from you and to know that the words and thoughts – which help me get through the day and the week – are helpful to you as well. I try to vary it, even though I am sure you notice some repetition from time to time. Sending you best wishes as a new month starts, Karl

  23. Karl,
    Tremendous website. Thank you!
    I just started a mindfulness blog at: https: //themindfullawguy.com/.
    Would be delighted if you, or any of your readers, visited.

  24. Hi Mindfulbalance Team,

    My name is Anuj Agarwal. I’m Founder of Feedspot.

    I would like to personally congratulate you as your blog Mindfulbalance has been selected by our panelist as one of the Top 50 Mindfulness Blogs on the web.


    I personally give you a high-five and want to thank you for your contribution to this world. This is the most comprehensive list of Top 50 Mindfulness Blogs on the internet and I’m honored to have you as part of this!

    Also, you have the honor of displaying the badge on your blog.


  25. Hi Karl,
    I’ve been reading your blog regularly now for months and I always find it uplifting. Thank you for taking the time to distill some of the wisdom you’ve encountered and taken in over the years to share here. I have mentioned your blog on my own (http://shielagh.blog) several times, and as a Buddhist clinical psychologist (http://DrSHochberg.com) I often read your daily post to clients as feels appropriate to me. They are always well-received!

  26. Hi Karl,
    Just found this and recognized a friendly face from the past. Sitting here with our mutual friend Jim C. Drop me an email – would love to follow your blog!

    1. Dear Mary,

      So nice to hear from you. Where are you now? Pass on my regards to Jim and as presume he is on holiday wish him a nice break. All well here. To follow the blog you have to click on a tab/link on the front page and the nice people at WordPress look after the rest. Then you get the blog posts delivered every day. Best wishes, Karl

  27. Hi Karl,

    Your blog is so uplifting and helpful, thank you for all your hard work making Mindful Balance.

    I wanted to let you know that I featured you in this article:
    Top 25 Must Follow Meditation and Mindfulness Blogs of 2019.

    Here’s a link to the article:

    I’ve also made a special badge for you here:

    Feel free to download and use it anywhere you wish!

    Keep up the great work and let me know if you need anything from me, hopefully my article will help introduce more people to your amazing work!

    1. Dear Anita, Thank you for following and looking forward to walking some steps on the journey with you. I am glad you liked this tale. I too thought it was beautiful, Karl

  28. Your blog is most interesting, looking forward to read more inspirational posts. Thank you.

    1. Dear Amira, Thank you for stopping by and following. There is quite a lot on the blog by now, and I am very happy if you find even some small things to inspire or support you on your journey. Best wishes, Karl

  29. Dear Carl: I don’t think I’ve ever stopped for a moment to write and thank you for this amazing blog. Each day you offer insight and balance into a quite crazy world. Thank you.
    I, too, am a blogger. I have spent more time than you can imagine looking for the theme that you use for your blog. It is beautiful. The images are always so striking. If it is alright to share this information, I would love to know the name of the theme.
    And again, thank you for the work you do to be a presence in our life.

  30. Hello Karl, I have been inspired by many of the poems and writings on this blog. Thank you.
    One in particular has stayed with me.
    “Letting Go” describing the moment that Teijitsu, 18th century abbess of Hakujuan, near Eiheiji, Japan learned to let go. It is followed by Rilke Quote.
    Is Rilke the author? If not who is? Thank you,


    1. Dear Deborah, thanks for the question a d reading the blog. I only post things that I like or resonate with me at that moment, but I must say this is one of my favourites. No, I chose the Rilke quote to go with it and maybe unpack it for readers. The quote itself came from The Women of the Way: Discovering 2,500 years of Buddhist Wisdom by Sallie Tisdale, which I read a review of. I don’t know why I didn’t attribute it at the time. Best wishes, Karl

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