A troubled world

File:Fallen leaf on wet tarmac.JPG

With again more news of violence and hatred….

Ultimately we have just one moral duty:

to reclaim large areas of peace in ourselves more and more

and to reflect it towards others, and the more peace there is in us,

the more peace there will be in our troubled world.

Etty Hillesum, killed in Auschwitz in November 1943  aged 21.

photo lewis collard.com

11 thoughts on “A troubled world

  1. WWII has been one of my main reading interests for the last few years. Still cannot get my mind around the evil of it all. What struck me when I read this was how Etty Hillesum’s words were so pertinent this morning. We never seem to make any headway in the peace department, do we…

  2. Reblogged. The evil is so unreal for me on my little farm on the west coast of Canada but all evil is call for peace, starting as Etty and St. Francis says with me.

    1. Thanks Mimi for your comment and thoughts from the far side of Canada. All this trouble in Europe must seem so far away and yet so real. St Francis is a particular favourite of mine, if only we could learn from him. Karl

  3. Hi there,
    I was wondering if you might be able to advise me on locations in Ireland or perhaps even the UK or mainland Europe where mindfulness/meditation retreats are held/

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